Grooming your dog

Grooming your dog
Whether your dog has a long coat or short coat they will need groomed and if your dog is anything like mine they will need bathed more often than you hoped, especially in winter.  I like to have a kit ready to just bring out when i groom my dogs and I want to share a few of my favorite items in my kit.

1) a metal comb (I actually have both fine and wider toothed comb's) These help me to get tangles out of my long coated dog
2) a slicker brush which is used after or while you have tangles to brush through the coat
3) a soft bristled brush for the final brushing or for those with smooth coats it may be all you need
4) Shampoo; I prefer to use Young Living products such as their Animal Scents Shampoo or the Lavender Shampoo. With my long 
     coated dogs i try to get all tangles out before i bath them.
5) Conditioner,; I use Young Living Lavender Conditioner. I either put it on the dog while bathing or I put it into a spray bottle 
    diluted and use it as a detangler/
6) Essential Oils such as Stress Away, Lavender, and/or T-Away from Young Living. These are oils that you can use on the dogs 
    and promote calmness since not all dogs are calm or enjoy their grooming sessions. Hint: These oils also work well for          
    calming during holidays such as New Years and 4th of July when fireworks are set off.
7) Towels/small cloths; for obvious reasons that you may want to dry the dog after the bath or wipe noses and eyes or even 
    your own hands.
8) Nail Clippers to trim the dogs nails
9) Cornstarch; Cornstarch, or flour, is good to help stop bleeding if you cut the nail.s a little to short.
10) Garbage sacks because we all know there are things we don't want to keep after grooming.
11) perhaps the most important are treats. Whether the dog has been good, you are training the dog or for what ever reason, all 
    dogs need treats!

If you want to know more about the Young Living products you can find information on my website or just send me an email and I'd be happy to hook you up. 

Happy Grooming

May your have Luv-N-Laughter throughout your Lives!!