Caring for your Lhasa Apso

Caring for your Lhasa Apso
Did you know that the Lhasa Apso is a shed less dog? You would think with their long coats they would shed but no, they do not. They do require care though. The long coat needs constant brushing and cleaning to keep your dog, their coat, and their skin healthy. Many people opt instead to keep their dogs in a puppy clip which is much easier to maintain., To decide which is the best option for you and your dog lets talk a little about the pro's and con's of each. 

Three benefits to a long coated Lhasa are:
  1. if you show the dog is required to have a long coat
  2. the dog regulates body temperature through their coat
  3. long coats look beautiful
Three cons to a long coat:
  1. coat matts and tangles
  2. gets muddy
  3. takes constant care and time
Three benefits to short coats
  1. easier to keep clean
  2. takes less time 
  3. looks cute
Three cons to a short coat
  1. dog is unable to regulate temperatures/may get cold or hot
  2. need to take to the groomer more often
  3. may get more tangled as they grow out if you don't clip on a regular schedule.
As you see there are plusses and minuses of both long and short coats. both can cost money, both have grooming needs. It comes down to your personal preferences and the time you have to spend.

Check out my resource page on my website for some of my favorite grooming tools, shampoos and other dog related items.

May your have Luv-N-Laughter throughout your Lives!!